Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!

One thing I find so much fun is to have a Masquerade Ball. The excitement about who people truly are. And to be sneaky trying not to be noticed. Amazing.
I have always wanted to have a formal party dress were the theme is Masquerades. So one day I will have one. But in the mean time I will gloat about how amazing some masks are.

Because of their size, parents may be difficult to discipline properly

I know most people relate old people with what our grandparents are right now. But I dont know if its just me or everything looked much more sophisticated and glamorous in black and white even a fall while you are learning to roller coast.
So as it has been to long since I dont dream in black and white I will start to watch movies in white and black again so I can dream in a colorless world..

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it

As food makes my life, beside being one of the primer necessities of the human being. We cannot ignore how many delicious meals there are. And more when it comes to CUPCAKES ... savory, moist, delicious, creative and amazing cupcakes.

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice

When it comes to cars I dont feel im a stupid. But not wise enough to know what happened to the car if it broke down in the middle of the streets... But one thing I do know is which cars make a girl look great and interesting even if its not true :)
So here are my the pictures I found.

All I know about humor is that I don't know anything about it

Being funny is a dead serious thing. So why not humor it up with some funny pictures in a random day :)

The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine

As I told last time i posted something about bicycles how much I loved riding my bicycle when I was in Boston. I always fall in love with the cutest pictures of people riding bicycles, some old and some new ones.

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again

Hello im back from my trip and as it was soo rainy I catch up with some new movies, books and games like poker. One of the movies I saw was the Red Riding Hood and it reminded me of course of all the crazy and dark fairy tales that editors in children's books changed so they wouldn't be so frightening.
Some people do tend to forget that those stories were not for children's but they are amazing to read when you are old enough to read them as they truly are.
As I wanted to post something related to fairy tales I found this shoot by Eugenio Recuenco which combines fairy tales and fashion.

Surfing expresses ... a pure yearning for visceral, physical contact with the natural world

As Im going for a week to the beach. Im posting one of my favorite sports.. And the amazing pictures I found.
I find this intrepid sport one of the few where you can actually be one with nature as you go away with the waves in the ocean.
As easy as it looks to do it is a dangerous and intrepid sport. I hope I can show you someday a proper picture of me riding a wave.

Keala Kennelly by Edwin Morales
Crytal Thorburng by Chris Burkard
Pepen Hendrick by Jason Childs
Kelly Slater by Andrew Chisolm
Crazy anonymous guy by Allen Hughes

I think the key is for women not to set any limits

I don't know about you girls out there but Im all about Girl power. So when it comes to music combined to girl power one thing I like are The runaways (besides other girl bands of course).. I remember hearing them long before the movie came out. But I got to like a lot of the songs after the movie came out. I dont know why that always happens to me. I listen to a band I like but only 2 or 3 songs, then time passes by and after a couple of years I like almost all their song. I believe is because I wasn't in that kind of music at the moment. Bummer!