Surfing expresses ... a pure yearning for visceral, physical contact with the natural world

As Im going for a week to the beach. Im posting one of my favorite sports.. And the amazing pictures I found.
I find this intrepid sport one of the few where you can actually be one with nature as you go away with the waves in the ocean.
As easy as it looks to do it is a dangerous and intrepid sport. I hope I can show you someday a proper picture of me riding a wave.

Keala Kennelly by Edwin Morales
Crytal Thorburng by Chris Burkard
Pepen Hendrick by Jason Childs
Kelly Slater by Andrew Chisolm
Crazy anonymous guy by Allen Hughes

1 comment:

  1. hi! thank you so much for following! i'm following back now! = )
    would you like to enter in the giveaway?? you follow the steps and leave a comment with your mail! it's easy! i hope that you can!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )
